Friday 2 October 2015

Big Tooth Boris

Ok Bandit has a point, I don't want to be forgotten either. I came to this place seeking shelter and females and found a pirat and a grumpy fat rat instead. The best of the bunch have popped off to fairyland... it seems only fair to keep them updated from this side of the forest.

It seems we have a new creature in our territory, Bandit is calling it a Big Tooth, Ham has called it Woof Yap....I think its really called a Boris, sent here to protect us from the feline over ruling that is happening out there.

Street Sleepers have gone into hiding, I completely understand their reasoning, after the Vermillion died unexpectedly all that are left are the peace keepers and the rogues from where Bandit came from, any sane rat would do well to keep them far away from here.

I have been harnessing my abilities to understand the language of Big Tooth since his arrival, it is fair to say sharing anything I find with him and bribing him with pieces of my poo -otherwise disguised as chocolate- has been playing in my favour.... It seems Boris the Big Tooth is being tamed by my approach, soon I will take control of the beast and have him at my beacon call!

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